Source code for exporter.leaf_tags.generic

Factories for leaf tags.

import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type, Union

from lxml import etree

from exporter.tag import LeafTag, argument, leaf
from exporter.util import LEVELS, MODES, sample_and_format

    "datetime": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
    "date": "%Y-%m-%d",
    "time": "%H:%M:%S",

[docs] def generate_key_leaf_tag(key: str) -> Type[LeafTag]: """ Build a :class:`~exporter.tag.LeafTag` named ``key``, that returns the ``key`` from the context. """ @leaf(key) def _tag(tag: LeafTag, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: return str(data[key]) return _tag
[docs] def generate_count_leaf_tag(infix: str) -> Type[LeafTag]: """ Build a :class:`~exporter.tag.LeafTag` named ``{infix.lower()}Count`` with a ``level`` argument, that returns the ``{level}{infix}Count`` from the context. """ @argument("level", required=True, choices=LEVELS) @leaf(f"{infix.lower()}Count") def _tag(tag: LeafTag, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: return str(data[f"{tag.arguments['level']}{infix}Count"]) return _tag
[docs] def generate_sample_leaf_tag(key: str) -> Type[LeafTag]: """ Build a :class:`~exporter.tag.LeafTag` named ``key`` with ``mode`` and ``max`` arguments, that returns a sample of the ``key`` from the context. """ @argument("mode", choices=MODES, default="oneLine") @argument("max", type=int, nonzero=True) @leaf(key) def _tag(tag: LeafTag, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[str, List[etree.Element]]: return sample_and_format(data[key], tag.arguments) return _tag
[docs] def generate_timestamp_leaf_tag(key: str, datetime_format: str) -> Type[LeafTag]: """ Build a :class:`~exporter.tag.LeafTag` named ``key`` with a ``mode`` argument, that returns the ``key`` from the context in the format specified by ``mode``. The ``key`` value is parsed according to ``datetime_format``. """ @argument("mode", choices=DATETIME_FORMATS, default="datetime") @leaf(key) def _tag(tag: LeafTag, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: d = datetime.datetime.strptime(data[key], datetime_format) return d.strftime(DATETIME_FORMATS[tag.arguments["mode"]]) return _tag