
This changelog only notes major changes, to notify other developers.


  • Exported reports

    • feat: Set default templates to those used in practice. (template arguments should no longer be necessary.) #32 #114

    • fix: Correct value distribution plot in exported documents. #85

    • fix: Provide clearer error messages. #31

    • refactor: Rewrite the tag system. dbd97ed #102

  • Web reports

    • fix: Remove pass/fail badges from checks that don’t pass/fail. #7

    • fix: Use correct color for field-level check failures. #33

    • fix: Make all zeroes gray on compiled release-level checks page. #38

    • fix: Clarify the description of value distribution checks and of compiled release-level average scores. #42 #41

    • fix: Strip whitespace from user input to mitigate copy-paste errors. #28

    • fix: Use hyperlinks instead of JavaScript on reports list to allow native browser behavior. #35

    • fix: Remove context menu override to allow native browser behavior. 23428f1

    • fix: Remove contract value and release date visualizations from overview page. #55

    • fix: Correct sorting and display of reports list in edge cases. b808827

    • fix: Correct spacing of page elements. #106

  • docs: Add documentation about exporting reports and contributing code. #25 #109 #116

  • refactor: Rewrite the API endpoints. #74 #77 #108 #13 #103


  • fix: Return {} if no dataset is found by name, instead of raising ObjectDoesNotExist. 49f39ac

  • refactor: Rewrite the API endpoints for managing datasets in Pelican backend. 0481513 6ecab3d 49f39ac 62ece02 289c98a

    • Request:



      POST api/dataset_start

      POST api/datasets/

      POST api/create_dataset_filter

      POST api/datasets/{id}/filter/

      POST api/dataset_id

      GET api/datasets/find_by_name/

      POST api/dataset_wipe

      DELETE api/datasets/{id}/

      GET api/dataset_status/{id}

      GET api/datasets/{id}/status/

      GET api/dataset_availability/{id}

      GET api/datasets/{id}/coverage/

      GET api/dataset_metadata/{id}

      GET api/datasets/{id}/metadata/

    • Status code:

      • Return a HTTP 2xx code, instead of "status": "ok" in the JSON response.

      • Return HTTP 202 Accepted for creating and deleting datasets asynchronously.

      • Return HTTP 400 Bad Request for missing request parameters when creating datasets.

      • Return HTTP 404 Not Found, instead of raising ObjectDoesNotExist.

      • Return HTTP 404 Not Found on status action for missing dataset, instead of returning {}.

      • Return HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed for incorrect HTTP methods, instead of HTTP 200 with a JSON error message.

    • Response body:

      • Return a JSON object from all endpoints, instead of sometimes null (datasets/{id}/status/), a number (datasets/find_by_name/) or a string (datasets/{id}/filter/).

      • Return the data as the root object, instead of under a "data" key.


  • refactor: Split Django applications from Django project. df4b678 fe94f41 f01bcaf

  • refactor: Move static assets out of code directory. 80bbd09



  • chore: Update to match Pelican backend’s database. 0c7448e